Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning seminar for business

MAY 2019

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) are among the most catchy buzzwords for media. Thanks to Hollywood it seems like we are just a few steps away from AI/ML-powered Skynet and killer robots.

No doubt, there are significant technology advancements in certain areas of application but most of the hottest news are a fad. Business leaders should understand what the real offering of modern AI/ML technology is and how their organizations can adopt it? What are the preconditions? How to choose a professional supplier? Finally, what kind of opportunities and challenges it brings to traditional sectors? How can it contribute to building new competitive advantages or gaining internal efficiency for our businesses?

These are some of the questions we would like to discuss with a world-class expert who has practical experience in delivering AI-driven enterprise solutions.

No technical knowledge required – the event is for business executives. We would advise C-suite and other top business and operational leaders to attend the event.

The event is co-organized by Radenia in the scope of the Swiss Digital Hub together with our partner – Embassy of Switzerland in Ukraine.

Date: May 28, 2019
Prior registration required: please email us at to confirm your registration